Greek Salad
Here is an English version

Greek Salad is more commonly known in Greece as a village, country or rustic salad (χωριάτικη σαλάτα).

It is basically a combination of tomatoes, cucumber, onions, green pepper, olives and feta cheese with olive oil and oregano.

It tends to be the staple diet for Mrs. S when we go to Greece, as she is a vegetarian, so souvlaki or meat balls don't go down too well. Back home, Mrs. S frequently rustles one up, even when we are not pretending we are in Greece.


Here you can find out how Mrs. S does it.


The ingredients

Greek Salad - Olive Oil Greek Olive Oil
  • Tomatoes - Big misshapen ones are the best but they are tricky to get here in England, so any tasty ones will do

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 1 Onion - Preferably a reddish sort of one

  • 1 Green Pepper

  • Black Olives - as many as you like really

  • 1 pack feta cheese

  • 6 tablespoons Olive Oil

  • Dried Oregano

Greek Salad - Salt to Taste Salt to Taste
Greek Salad - A Plateful A Plateful


What to Do

If you want to see and hear it all demonstrated by Mrs. S, jump straight to the video
  • Wash and/or wipe the vegetables.

  • Greek Salad - Turtle Bowl Cheerful Turtle Bowl - Before...
  • Roughly chop the onion into chunks, could be circles or slices and place in the salad bowl.

  • Chop cucumber, again into chunks. Add to bowl.

  • Chop pepper into chunky strips and then divide into thirds. Add to bowl.

  • Chop (or not if they are little ones) the tomato. Add to bowl.

  • Add a few (or many) black olives. Add to bowl.

  • Cut feta into cubes. Add to bowl.

  • Squish in some oregano leaves.

  • Pour on olive oil.

  • Greek Salad - Finished ... and After
  • Stir the salad around so a good mix of things come to the top.

  • Add seasoning or more onion or whatever as you wish.

  • Serve and eat.

and finally...

The Video

The Greek Salad Video

You have read the words. Now see the video...

Mrs. S shows you how she made the latest salad, including picking tomatoes and oregano from our garden.

Crack open the ouzo, sit back and enjoy it.

Click here to review the method again

P.S. Contact us if you want some of our oregano plant!!

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